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Zhao Shuyan accept Hong Kong Da Gong Wang Exclusive Interview
Classification:News and information Release time:2014-03-11 22:36:34


On March 9th, Zhao Shuyan, the Chairman and Chief Engineer of our company, gave a series of interviews and interviews with Dagong Interview, expressing brilliant remarks and opinions.

◇ China's coal selection technology is outdated and has great potential for exploration

Zhao Shuyan: Technology personnel participating in policy formulation to avoid guidance from outsiders and insiders

The main reason for the low coal washing rate in China is the backward Chongyang consciousness, and the lack of proper promotion of its own internationally leading coal washing technology, mainly due to corruption, which still has potential to be tapped. The formulation of policies should involve some genuine scientific and technological personnel, and there should be no more situations where outsiders guide insiders. The technology mainly relies on experts, especially academicians.


◇ China's economic development

Zhao Shuyan: Simplifying Administration and Decentralizing Power: A Better Future for China's Economy

When asked if Tangshan Guohua Technology would encounter difficulties in expanding overseas, Zhao Shuyan said that he may encounter some problems abroad, but he can gradually adapt. When talking about domestic macro strategies, he said that the government is accelerating the pace of streamlining administration and delegating power, and enterprises will usher in new development opportunities. The future of China's economy is still beautiful. If we truly understand the connotation of a market economy, we can find the right direction for development, and then there are no difficulties that enterprises cannot overcome.


Vocational education is the cornerstone of China's manufacturing industry's takeoff

Zhao Shuyan: Three should be transformed into vocational and technical colleges

For cultivating technical personnel, Zhao Shuyan suggests converting some of the three universities into vocational and technical colleges. China's education should change its mindset. Currently, there is a shortage of skilled workers in China, and many people are unwilling to become workers after graduating from universities. However, in developed countries such as the United States and Canada, many people are willing to become skilled workers. Blue collar workers have very high incomes, and senior blue collar workers earn more than white-collar workers.


◇ Chinese enterprises have a long way to go when going global, and the government needs to guide and regulate them

Zhao Shuyan: Going global requires regulatory oversight to smear companies and reverse Western biases

Going global for Chinese enterprises is just the first step towards success, and there is still a long way to go in the future. The state cannot blindly support, but should also provide guidance, guidance, and supervision. Enterprises in countries such as the United States have inherent Western arrogance and prejudice towards Chinese enterprises. For companies that smear China, Zhao Shuyan suggests that the government should regulate them appropriately and not blindly support them, which will affect China's image.


◇ Chinese enterprises need to enhance their soft power when going global

Zhao Shuyan: Chinese Enterprises Going Global Need to Win Win with Foreign Enterprises

In addition to being guided and regulated by the state, Chinese enterprises also need to "practice their internal skills" and enhance their "soft power" when going global. When going out to acquire a company, it is important to clearly introduce it to foreign companies. Chinese companies acquiring foreign companies are a win-win situation, which benefits both foreign companies and ourselves. It is beneficial for everyone. [details]

Innovation is an eternal theme of Guohua Technology

Zhao Shuyan: Without building relationships, innovation alone can also help companies grow

Zhao Shuyan said that innovation is an eternal theme for Guohua Technology, because Guohua Technology mainly relies on technological innovation. Zhao Shuyan himself has a technical background, and he also expressed that he is very weak and not good at building relationships. So he believes that innovation is the most important thing for Guohua Technology. The fact now also proves that without establishing relationships, relying solely on technological innovation can also make enterprises bigger and move towards the international stage.



Lin Xuefei, Director of Ta Kung Pao and President of Da Gong Wang, introduced the development process of Ta Kung Pao Da Gong Wang to Zhao Shuyan


Lin Xuefei, Director of Ta Kung Pao and President of Dagong Wang, had a cordial conversation with Zhao Shuyan


Zhao Shuyan, Chairman and Chief Engineer of our company, accepted an interview with Dagong Net


Zhao Shuyan, Chairman and Chief Engineer of our company, accepted an interview with Zhou Nan, the host of Dagong Net


Zhao Shuyan, Chairman and Chief Engineer of our company, wrote an inscription for the Ta Kung Pao Da Gong Wang website


Lin Xuefei, Director of Ta Kung Pao and President of Dagong Wang, presented a commemorative booklet to Zhao Shuyan
